The promise of a free life and making a quick fortune prompted (or forced) many sailors to change their job, i.e. to turn to piracy. The grippingly exciting and entertaining stories and legends about them are still exceptionally popular today. There was a time when seafarers feared them more than anything else in the world. When the Jolly Roger, decorated with the scary skull and crossbones, was hoisted, mariners knew instantly who they were facing. Most of the time this was enough for them to surrender. Even though there are countless legends about the pirates of the Caribbean and their deeds, the stories of their lives and exploits are based on fact. The exciting, spectacular pages of this book give an insight into the real and imagined world created by stories about famous and infamous pirates. The detailed pictures illustrate the most awe-inspiring pirates of the time and their villainous endeavours. Their faces are colourfully portrayed, and their deeds are depicted in authentic-style paintings.
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