Graph-Art PublishingGraph-Art Publishing

3D Books

3D Books

The 3D series is the signature series of Graph-Art's interactive books that use three-dimensional illustrations. These spectacular designs allow for a more realistic demonstration of particular scenes about, for instance, the compositions of animals, or snapshots of grand historical battles and important events. The 3D technology turns these scenes into real experiences which enhance the pleasure of reading about historical eras and achievements, and also of learning about intriguing scientific facts of our planet's past and present flora and fauna.

Ancient Empires

This book presents life in the best known empires of ancient times, including the Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Chinese empires, providing fascinating information about the social conditions and beliefs of the people who lived then. The luxurious lifestyle of the wealthy ruling class and the everyday struggles of the common people are brought to life, as is the lot and living conditions of the slaves. Egyptian mummification techniques and related customs are explained. Scientific findings are used to show readers inside the unopened tomb mound of the first Chinese emperor, which conceals thousands of secrets. You can witness the battles that changed the course of history and led to the rise or fall of mighty empires. Spectacular illustrations envisaged by the publisher use 3D technology to turn the scenes and events into real experiences which enhance the pleasure of reading.

Astonishing Facts About Animals

This special volume gives an insight into the mysteries of animal behaviour and particular times of their lives. Experience the rituals of courtships and witness 'tough guy' duels. Watch how animals build their homes and find out which creatures prefer to be lodgers. Discover their skills in searching for food and the advantages of using one's head. Meet the masters of disguise and poisoning, as well as the great travellers of the animal kingdom. Learn which is the longest snake, which mammal has the biggest body and which bird beats its wings the fastest. Enjoyably written chapters make learning playful and amusing, and the reading experience is heightened by special three dimensional illustrations.

Big Cats

Tiger, lion, clouded leopard today big cats are still to be found in most parts of the world albeit numerous species have already become extinct and the future of others is uncertain. This volume describes their characteristics, their stories, essential facts, their conservation status, and myths and beliefs about big cats. Do all big cats roar? Which of these large-bodied cats is the most mysterious and which could be called the 'champion of adaptability'? Who could be given the title the 'snow leopard' and what happened to Daniel who was thrown into the lions' den? Answers to these questions as well as many other insights into the larger felines are given in easy-to-read prose.

Dinos 2

The latest volume of our 3D series presents more than 50 dinosaur species, including the Tyrannosaurus, the Giraffatitan, as well as one of the more recent archeological findings called the Nasuceratops.
Readers can learn from the concise and informative descriptions about interesting facts of the species' characteristic features as well as of the excavation and examination of their fossils. The volume provides detailed and up-to-date information on the conception, history, anatomy, and evolution of each species.
Moreover, many 3D illustrations are also included on the pages, and viewing these illustrations with the provided 3D glasses brings them to life, letting the long extinct, and yet amazing, creatures and the prehistoric world they populated come within an arm's reach of the readers.


This captivating, spectacular volume richly illustrated by three dimensional illustrations takes the reader on a scientific safari to the Mesozoic era of the earth's history many millions of years ago. Impressive paintings bring to life the mysterious world of dinosaurs, allowing a close-up look at, for instance, a super-clawed Tyrannosaurus rex or a pack of Dryptosaurus just as they pounce on their prey. Besides the terrifying carnivores, egg-stealing and fish-eating predators, as well as herbivorous sauropods as tall as houses are all included, that is to say every branch of the dinosaurs' family tree is explored. Their mating habits and how they care for their young are described, and their communication codes and other little mysteries about their lives are explained. Find out about dino record holders and get to know their nearest relatives, that is prehistoric reptiles that glided in the sky and populated the seas as well as the mammal-like reptiles overshadowed by their larger relations. A fact sheet and a map of occurrence for each creature help the reader on this adventurous journey.

Discoveries and Inventions

What would our life look like without the motor car, electricity or the telephone? How could distant continents have been discovered without suitable ships or navigation equipment? These are just a few of the objects, tools and methods that have changed human life, making it easier or happier. Who invented them? What made them significant? This book will tell you how and when these splendid inventions came into being. It also explains how the various continents, seas, trade routes, passages were discovered. The informative descriptions, teeming with interesting and startling facts, are accompanied by extraordinary 3D illustrations.

Endangered Wildlife

The wildlife of our planet is marvellous, like an earthly paradise. Man’s activities, however, are threatening the existence of many plants and animals.

Famous Battles from World History

This volume brings to life the greatest battles in world history, such as Thermopylae, Cannae, Crécy, Kolin and Austerlitz. In assessing each confrontation the tactics used are described as is the military technology of the warring parties. The reader can learn about fascinating strategies, such as hoplite warfare developed by the Greeks during the Greko-Persian wars or the landsknechts' bloody but highly effective infantry tactics that killed armoured knights. The reader can also witness the failure of line tactics and the success of the settlers' use of guerilla warfare in the American War of Independence. The spectacular illustrations using 3D technology make the battles almost tangible, and supplement the absorbing descriptions, while enhancing the readers' experience.

Human Body

When we are babies and our mind starts to gradually open, we slowly discover the world around us with the help of our sensory organs. Lots of colours, forms, sounds and scents, as well as caressing touching, can step-by-step combine and become sensations already connected to certain persons or objects. First, it is generally our mother’s face that is recorded in our brain; she is recognized by her scent and embrace affording warmth and security. Later on we learn to form sounds, words and sentences, to toddle, then to walk. In the course of our development, we become more and more independent, our knowledge broadens, and we seem to take over the direction of our body. However, our organisation is a very complicated union of systems and organs, which is in turn regulated by our nervous and endocrine systems; our role is to  support the functioning of this infinitely complex body. This is possible if, for example, we try to live a healthy life, to eat a balanced diet and take regular physical exercise. It also helps if we understand the structure and functions of our body; how it responds to the effects of the outside world, how it can fight against illnesses or how it can prepare for the “emergencies”. This volume will come to your aid with its spectacular 3D illustrations, and with them, you can take an imaginary journey into the mysterious inner world of the human being, the most wonderful creature in the world.

Ice Age

Woolly mammoths, sabre-toothed cats hunting in packs, huge ground sloths, giant armadillos and opossums wandering across endless snowfields are typical of the fauna of the Ice Age. The wildlife in the period of the Earth’s history called the Pleistocene, however, was far richer than this. Among the exotic animals grazing on the plains of Europe and Asia were rhinos, hippos, gazelles, ancient types of elephant, wild horses and giant tortoises. These were prey for cave lions, giant leopards and cave hyenas. This book also looks at the herbivores and large predators of the other continents. It shows the hunting strategy of the fearsome dire wolf in North America, the largest of the sabretooths, Smilodon fatalis, in South America, the gigantic crocodile, Crocodylus thorbjarnarsoni, in Africa, the king of monitor lizards, Megalania, in Australia, and the record-sized ancient shark, Megalodon, in the oceans. This volume with its spectacular illustrations shows the real Ice Age. Some of the artistic pictures can be looked at through 3D glasses, bringing the extraordinary creatures of this lost age within reach. 

Man in Prehistoric Times

This book follows the evolution of man from the appearance of the first upper primates to modern man, supported by archaeological finds and scientific theories. Where were the traces of our ancient ancestors found? Who were the first people to use fire? What did they eat? How did man manage to kill the largest animal of the age, the mammoth? Find out the answers to these and many more questions while gaining an insight into the tough, everyday life of our ancestors in prehistoric times through colourful illustrations. A spectacular and enthralling journey of discovery awaits every reader who is interested in the past.

Marine Animals

Life began in the oceans and seas, and today they are home to a teeming variety of marine animals. This volume explores salt-water habitats from the Arctic Ocean at the North Pole to the ice fields of Antarctica and the creatures that live in them, including whales, dreaded sharks, seals, and dolphins.


The wealth of nature is truly astonishing as millions upon millions of organisms inhabit the Earth. Some of these you know because you see them in your daily life, but others exist which are invisible to the naked eye yet are all around you. The discovery of the microscope revealed the inhabitants of a world never seen before. This attractively illustrated book shows the organisms living in your home, in furniture and in the air, as well as on your skin and in your body. Some of the artistic illustrations can be studied with 3D glasses, bringing within reach these miniscule organisms we share our lives with. Some of these look as if they could feature as fearsome monsters in a cartoon, but there’s no need to worry as most of them are harmless or are not a threat to people. Open the book and investigate the world of mysterious microbes for yourself

Mysterious Worlds

From Troy to Machu Picchu, from Angkor Watt to Eldorado, from Pompeii to Carthage - explore the ruins of mysterious cities on four continents and experience some legendary worlds that are perhaps lost forever.

Myths and Legends

This book, illustrated by artistic paintings, conjures up the mysterious world of imaginary and real creatures, gods and goddesses, and people. While the compelling adventures of Prometheus, Heracles, Icarus, Thor, Gargantua and other well-known heroes and heroines come to life, the marvellous power of eternal human virtues and ideals that can decide events, such as perseverance, courage, a thirst for knowledge, belief and love, can be felt. Most of the stories selected relate episodes connected with Greek myths and Biblical events, which form an important part of our cultural heritage, but there are appetisers from Egyptian, Roman, Germanic, Celtic and Gaelic legends as well. Some illustrations of scenes from the 25 famous stories offer an unforgettable experience thanks to the use of a 3D technique.

The Age of Knights

The idea of the knight is usually associated in our minds with images of fearless crusaders of the middle ages, as they are charging on the battlefield with their spears forward, testing their strength in duels, or going on adventures accompanied by their loyal squires. Their armor is shiny with sunlight. Their shields are emblazoned with lions, eagles, and dragons. Their capes are sailing behind them, and  the wind flutters royal flags above their plumed helmets... Did these invincible warriors really look and behave like that? Did medieval people really live such romantic lives?
This volume answers these, and many other, questions introducing to the reader the lives of pages and squires, the training of knights, the development of knights weaponry, and the bloody battles of medieval wars and crusades. The volume also provides a glimpse behind the castle walls. You can get to know how castles were built, besieged, and defended; the way knights and the people of the castle lived their daily lives; how lords were hunting and the grandeur of a royal feast. You can get to experience the invigorating atmosphere of tournaments and duels, while also getting to feel the calmness of the lives of the villagers, town dwellers, and the church staff.
The gripping descriptions of the volume come with uniquely detailed, historically loyal, and artistic illustrations that do more than simply demonstrating the descriptions' content: they help the get a deeper understanding and a visual overview of the medieval age.


Wonders of the World

The seven edifices of ancient times were first described as wonders of the world by the Phoenician poet Antipater od Sidon, who jotted down the creations of man that astonished him on his travels in the 2nd century BC. Later other authors of antiquity and the Middle ages also drew up their own lists of wonderful sights. Today, a new list of the world's seven most fantastic creations has been compiled, which fascinate modern travellers in the same way that their ancient counterparts captivated visitors long ago.

This volume expands the knowledge of the readers going on this exciting imaginary journey through many interesting facts and authoritative information supported by scientific research. The artistic 3D illustrations make this gripping book even more attractive, bringing the wonders of human ingenuity, will and perseverance within palpable reach, while stimulating the imagination of both adults and children who are interested in these captivating structures.