Graph-Art became Hungary's market leader of children's magazine and book publishing, employing more than a hundred staff members and daily supplying more than 5000 distribution locations with Graph-Art's magazines and books.
The Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) is one of the world’s most popular authors of children’s literature, who delighted his readers with over 150 works in the course of his life. His writings have a marvellous power of expression and superb style, describing the finest oscillations of the soul in a masterly fashion. In his tales he teaches us that appearances are sometimes deceptive and real beauty often lies in the character of the person. His original stories, which are a unique blend of imagination, poetry and reality, bring to life real and legendary characters, kings and queens, beings with magical qualities, mermaids, fairies, plants and animals. Our volume prepared for true lovers of children's literature surprises readers with some of Hans Christian Andersen's less well-known stories as well as presenting other much-loved tales. This book endeavours to create the mood the Danish author once wished to see on the page with subtle elegance. Readers can now enjoy the eternal values of artistic images and thoughts in the form of a beautiful book.
This special volume gives an insight into the mysteries of animal behaviour and particular times of their lives. Experience the rituals of courtships and witness 'tough guy' duels. Watch how animals build their homes and find out which creatures prefer to be lodgers. Discover their skills in searching for food and the advantages of using one's head. Meet the masters of disguise and poisoning, as well as the great travellers of the animal kingdom. Learn which is the longest snake, which mammal has the biggest body and which bird beats its wings the fastest. Enjoyably written chapters make learning playful and amusing, and the reading experience is heightened by special three dimensional illustrations.
If you take two wooden cubes and put them together, you get a wand. But what to do with a wand? You can put a stone brick onto its end, for example, and your first tool has been crafted. What else you can craft? What are the events? Or are you curious about Staffs’ life or want to know how to cook magic drinks? You will get the answers for all these interesting questions in this Crafter’s Handbook. Besides you can read plenty of useful tips and practical tricks.
This captivating, spectacular volume richly illustrated by three dimensional illustrations takes the reader on a scientific safari to the Mesozoic era of the earth's history many millions of years ago. Impressive paintings bring to life the mysterious world of dinosaurs, allowing a close-up look at, for instance, a super-clawed Tyrannosaurus rex or a pack of Dryptosaurus just as they pounce on their prey. Besides the terrifying carnivores, egg-stealing and fish-eating predators, as well as herbivorous sauropods as tall as houses are all included, that is to say every branch of the dinosaurs' family tree is explored. Their mating habits and how they care for their young are described, and their communication codes and other little mysteries about their lives are explained. Find out about dino record holders and get to know their nearest relatives, that is prehistoric reptiles that glided in the sky and populated the seas as well as the mammal-like reptiles overshadowed by their larger relations. A fact sheet and a map of occurrence for each creature help the reader on this adventurous journey.
Would you like to know more about the world's most powerful, most stunning vehicles that are unique in their own category? Which is the largest fire-fighting aircraft? Which is the biggest bulldozer? And which vessel submerges itself to pick up its load and then resurfaces? What sort of heavy vehicle moves radio telescopes in the South American desert and which machine carries glowing, molten metal? You can learn the answers to all these questions in this book presenting heavy machinery and a series of civilian and military vehicles. Discover the special features of their size, performance and operation, and their construction through large colourful, highly detailed drawings. The text full of unusual information explains the history of the vehicles, their special parts and essential information about them as well as the jobs they were designed for. The special 3D pictures at the end of the volume help you 'really' see inside these giant vehicles.
The Brothers Grimm are best renowned for collecting tales. The most beautiful and popular stories from their collection of folk and fairy tales have been read for generations and are still read by children today. Some of them are of an instructive nature, others express folk wisdom, and yet others endeavour to put the language of animals into human speech. Storywriters of later periods have often incorporated recurrent motifs from Grimm tales into their own writing: the ingenuity of the weak, the victory of good over evil, the triumph of brain over brawn have been written about again and again for centuries as the eternal longing of youth. The best of the Brothers Grimm's tales have been selected for this volume. The 28 tales in this anthology are an important tool not simply in the development of children's sense of refinement but also in preparing them for life. The illustrations of artistic merit inspire the imagination and reflect the spirit of the stories, bringing characters to life. This careful selection can be an indispensable and much used volume in a well-stocked home library.
The promise of a free life and making a quick fortune prompted (or forced) many sailors to change their job, i.e. to turn to piracy. The grippingly exciting and entertaining stories and legends about them are still exceptionally popular today. There was a time when seafarers feared them more than anything else in the world. When the Jolly Roger, decorated with the scary skull and crossbones, was hoisted, mariners knew instantly who they were facing. Most of the time this was enough for them to surrender. Even though there are countless legends about the pirates of the Caribbean and their deeds, the stories of their lives and exploits are based on fact. The exciting, spectacular pages of this book give an insight into the real and imagined world created by stories about famous and infamous pirates. The detailed pictures illustrate the most awe-inspiring pirates of the time and their villainous endeavours. Their faces are colourfully portrayed, and their deeds are depicted in authentic-style paintings.
The History of Piracy shows how seamen of the period navigated, and what the sailors' duties and the weapons they used were. How this exciting and bloody era came to an end, what broke the power of the pirates and what led them to abandon the waters of the Caribbean are also explained. The lively, gripping stories, factual information and impressive illustrations rich in detail provide an authentic source of the history of piracy. A worthwhile read!
The volume presents the life of pages and squires, the training of knights and the dubbing ceremony, the evolution of armour from chain mail to the full suit armour, bloody medieval battles and the crusades, and finally the twilight of the age of knights when these medieval warriors were replaced by soldiers equipped with more sophisticated types of weapon. The book's highly detailed, historically faithful, and artistic illustrations not only accompany the informative descriptions, but also provide further information on the mediaeval era, making this age almost palpable for the reader, and further inspiring an active interest in the historical events of these dark, yet exciting, ages.
Open this marvelously illustrated book and let Princess Butterfly whisk you away to the world of princesses. She will show you how you, too, can become a real princess! Meanwhile, you'll learn about her day to day life and meet her friends, including Prince Star. Learn how to protect yourself against intrigue, how to put your suitors to the test and everything that an heir apparent ought to know. Make your own princess accessories and have a thoroughly fun time with the charming Princess Butterfly!
The Illustrated Atlas of Vehicles explains land, sea, and air transport vehicles as well as those capable of space travel on large-size coloured cutaway diagram with high detail. It gives an overview of their external and internal structures, operation, and provides insight into their history too. Apart from explaining technical features, the publication describes a number of fascinating peculiarities, and raises a series of solemn as well as thrilling questions. Learn how low a deep sea submarine is capable of diving, what the differences are between a space ship and a space shuttle, or where the giant trucks, the largest transport vehicles on Earth are used.
Battles and wars were incidental to world history. The hunter of the Stone Age who protected his prey, the knight committed to his king, and the soldier served his homeland were all warriors. Generalship means not only killing but survival and winning. While endeavoring to maintain peace we shouldn't forget the brave warriors who provided peace for other people, at the expense of their lives. This volume brings to life the greatest warriors of world history by showing their weaponaries, tactics, arts of war and glorious acts. turning pages the reader imaginary can be among King Leonidas's 300 Spartan heroes at Thermopylae, march on India together with Alexander the Great, fight as a gladiator in the Colosseum, put on the armour of the knights, fire a storm of arrows at the dumbfounded enemy alongside Djengis Khan's riders and share numerous daring adventures. This scientific, richly illustrated volume shows the reader - whether being a student, teacher, parent or adult interested in soldiering - over the most important periods of military history, from the ancient to mediaval times and spurs the reader to get to know this field deeply.
The seven edifices of ancient times were first described as wonders of the world by the Phoenician poet Antipater od Sidon, who jotted down the creations of man that astonished him on his travels in the 2nd century BC. Later other authors of antiquity and the Middle ages also drew up their own lists of wonderful sights. Today, a new list of the world's seven most fantastic creations has been compiled, which fascinate modern travellers in the same way that their ancient counterparts captivated visitors long ago.
This volume expands the knowledge of the readers going on this exciting imaginary journey through many interesting facts and authoritative information supported by scientific research. The artistic 3D illustrations make this gripping book even more attractive, bringing the wonders of human ingenuity, will and perseverance within palpable reach, while stimulating the imagination of both adults and children who are interested in these captivating structures.
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