Graph-Art became Hungary's market leader of children's magazine and book publishing, employing more than a hundred staff members and daily supplying more than 5000 distribution locations with Graph-Art's magazines and books.
Based on the latest scientific knowledge, Interstellar Journey – In search of Life is a thrilling, real-time report on a future galactic space flight, providing a wealth of interesting and eye-popping information. The story of this voyage of discovery in our cosmic neighbourhood is complemented with eye-catching, highly detailed illustrations and informative and intriguing explanations.
How are stars and planets born? What is a black hole? Where can life possibly exist within our Solar System and beyond? How do astronauts prepare for life in space? Why does Mars have blue sunsets?
About the author - For astronomer Dr Tibor Hegedüs, the head of the Baja observatory of the University of Szeged, popular education about astronomy, i.e. introducing young people into a world that is highly complex and fascinating at the same time, is a labour of love.
This book presents life in the best known empires of ancient times, including the Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Chinese empires, providing fascinating information about the social conditions and beliefs of the people who lived then. The luxurious lifestyle of the wealthy ruling class and the everyday struggles of the common people are brought to life, as is the lot and living conditions of the slaves. Egyptian mummification techniques and related customs are explained. Scientific findings are used to show readers inside the unopened tomb mound of the first Chinese emperor, which conceals thousands of secrets. You can witness the battles that changed the course of history and led to the rise or fall of mighty empires. Spectacular illustrations envisaged by the publisher use 3D technology to turn the scenes and events into real experiences which enhance the pleasure of reading.
Reading the volumes of Wildlife Snapshots, you can take imaginary journeys to the 7 continents of our planet. The adventures of animals in forests, waters, and plains come alive through the spectacular paintings and humorous images which complement the engaging and concise stories. The most important data concerning each species can be found in separate, highlighted blocks. Moreover, you can also catch a glimpse of the essential characteristics of the animals' behaviors. Come and take this virtual trip to Asia and Australia to get the answer to the following questions: Why do Asian black bears climb trees? Where do orangutans sleep? Why do northern fur seals have so much fat under their skin?
This special volume gives an insight into the mysteries of animal behaviour and particular times of their lives. Experience the rituals of courtships and witness 'tough guy' duels. Watch how animals build their homes and find out which creatures prefer to be lodgers. Discover their skills in searching for food and the advantages of using one's head. Meet the masters of disguise and poisoning, as well as the great travellers of the animal kingdom. Learn which is the longest snake, which mammal has the biggest body and which bird beats its wings the fastest. Enjoyably written chapters make learning playful and amusing, and the reading experience is heightened by special three dimensional illustrations.
It explores the different hunting techniques animals employ, the weapons predators use and the arsenal of life-saving ploys their pugnacious prey respond with.
Tiger, lion, clouded leopard today big cats are still to be found in most parts of the world albeit numerous species have already become extinct and the future of others is uncertain. This volume describes their characteristics, their stories, essential facts, their conservation status, and myths and beliefs about big cats. Do all big cats roar? Which of these large-bodied cats is the most mysterious and which could be called the 'champion of adaptability'? Who could be given the title the 'snow leopard' and what happened to Daniel who was thrown into the lions' den? Answers to these questions as well as many other insights into the larger felines are given in easy-to-read prose.
This volume presents the most important periods of world history from ancient times to the present for young readers. It shows the most significant events, the most famous personalities and everyday men of each eras. Artistic illustrations bring to life the events of history and make the book more fascinating and exciting.
This volume of the series describes the techniques animals use to find their loved ones, their reproductive habits and methods of caring for their young, and the stages of individual development for animals from arthropods to mammals.
In Dino Park the world’s largest animals, the dinosaurs which ruled the Earth for 160 million years, come to life.
* Relationships
* Dino Family Tree
* Arena – Fight to the Death Close Up
* Anatomy, Habits and Records
The latest volume of our 3D series presents more than 50 dinosaur species, including the Tyrannosaurus, the Giraffatitan, as well as one of the more recent archeological findings called the Nasuceratops.
Readers can learn from the concise and informative descriptions about interesting facts of the species' characteristic features as well as of the excavation and examination of their fossils. The volume provides detailed and up-to-date information on the conception, history, anatomy, and evolution of each species.
Moreover, many 3D illustrations are also included on the pages, and viewing these illustrations with the provided 3D glasses brings them to life, letting the long extinct, and yet amazing, creatures and the prehistoric world they populated come within an arm's reach of the readers.
The illustrated children's encyclopedia of Dinosaurs presents a detailed showcase of dinosaurs, offering allround knowledge of their era and their fellow inhabitants. The main dinosaur features are depicted and explained, ranging from their possible origins, evolution, build, diets, habits and natural habitat all the way to their native environment. Numerous facts are offered concerning modern paleontological research, including details on how the age of remains is determined or how unearthed fossils are treated. With its spectacular illustrations, this book is essentially intended for young readers - fans and beginners alike - but is also a good source of information for adults interested in the subject. To make the whole content as clear and comprehensible as possible, we have included a detailed glossary, relevant maps and a thorough word index.
This captivating, spectacular volume richly illustrated by three dimensional illustrations takes the reader on a scientific safari to the Mesozoic era of the earth's history many millions of years ago. Impressive paintings bring to life the mysterious world of dinosaurs, allowing a close-up look at, for instance, a super-clawed Tyrannosaurus rex or a pack of Dryptosaurus just as they pounce on their prey. Besides the terrifying carnivores, egg-stealing and fish-eating predators, as well as herbivorous sauropods as tall as houses are all included, that is to say every branch of the dinosaurs' family tree is explored. Their mating habits and how they care for their young are described, and their communication codes and other little mysteries about their lives are explained. Find out about dino record holders and get to know their nearest relatives, that is prehistoric reptiles that glided in the sky and populated the seas as well as the mammal-like reptiles overshadowed by their larger relations. A fact sheet and a map of occurrence for each creature help the reader on this adventurous journey.
What would our life look like without the motor car, electricity or the telephone? How could distant continents have been discovered without suitable ships or navigation equipment? These are just a few of the objects, tools and methods that have changed human life, making it easier or happier. Who invented them? What made them significant? This book will tell you how and when these splendid inventions came into being. It also explains how the various continents, seas, trade routes, passages were discovered. The informative descriptions, teeming with interesting and startling facts, are accompanied by extraordinary 3D illustrations.
How were the enormous pyramids built? How and why were mummies made? What do the hieroglyphs mean? Sphinxes, pyramids, mummies, pharaohs and gods – investigating exciting secrets, young readers gain an insight into the life of a legendary civilisation, ancient Egypt, as well as its characteristic monuments, famous cities and history. With the aid of facts, myths and superb illustrations readers can encounter merchants, warriors and scribes, sail the Nile and wander in magnificent cities.
In this beautifully illustrated encyclopedia besides the most important information of our multi-colored nature, the sky and the Earth and our world, wonderful illustrations of important facts await for our readers. Children can refresh and organize their knowledge of the world, they can discover new and exciting objects. Descriptive pictures, engravings and funny drawings help to understand the scripts. The book is suitable for both reading and browsing. As a useful source of learning it can be the students faithful companion.
The wildlife of our planet is marvellous, like an earthly paradise. Man’s activities, however, are threatening the existence of many plants and animals.
Explore the marvellous lands of Europe with us. Our wonderfully illustrated volume helps you roam across mountains, swamps and marshlands, resinous and deciduous forests, meadows filled with wild flowers, and seas of grasses among other places. Meanwhile, you get acquainted with the diverse animal characters that live in those habitats. For instance, the Eurasian jay, the tree planter of oak forests, the lodge-building beaver, the moor frog that turns blue, and the wolf pack that follows the trail of large ungulates. The imaginary trip takes you to the home of the European bison, the reindeer and the chamois, and also to the coastal “birthplace” of the loggerhead sea turtles. Nothing stays hidden from you as you may catch a glimpse of tunnels running in the soil, the depths of the seas and lakes, the darkness of rock caves, and birds’ nests perched on high branches. The tour starts now! Come and discover the extraordinary wildlife of Europe.
This volume takes you round the world of animals with unusual talents. Some animals
stand out from the crowd because of their disgusting smell, while others are
pleasantly fragrant. Would you have thought that there are species that can fly without
wings or that can re-grow limbs quickly? At the same time, there are a good number of
animals that can poison an attacker. You need to be careful with them, just as you do with
the aggressive types. You can also discover which animals are the best and which are the
worst parents, and have a glimpse into unusual examples of how different species live
together. Last of all light is cast on the best sleepers in the animal kingdom who are able
to get up to strange things while they snooze. Real-life photos show what you can read in
the descriptions.
Sticker album: 48 pages, cardboard cover
Online test –
In the wild animals equipped with extreme, special habits, abilities and body parts are the most successful in the fight for survival. Readers can learn not only about the individual methods of animals in the life or death battle, but also other extreme creatures of the animal kingdom.
I am sure you find animals with an unusual appearance that look strange or funny
interesting, don’t you? Would you like to see into their world and learn how they live?
Now’s your chance! The first volume in the series Animal Talent guides you through the
world of animals with the most extreme looks. Some species can thank their outrageous
colours for their stylish appearance, while other creatures you can literally see through.
There are animals that glow in the dark and others that almost disappear into their
environment. Find out about the most bizarre animal fashions: huge noses, shaggy fur,
odd characters – the mere sight of them is bound to make you smile. If that’s not enough,
you can see if you agree with the book’s choice of the ugliest species on earth! Real-life
photos show what you can read in the brief descriptions.
Sticker album: 48 pages, cardboard cover
Online test –
This series presents unusual animals with a feature that makes them unique.
Sticker album: 48 pages, cardboard cover
Online test –
Which animals can fly, run and swim the fastest? Which have the best sense organs
and which can live the longest without food or water? Which animals compete for
first place because of their gigantic or minute size? Some creatures can truly be called
the champions of bluff because of their incredible ability to trick would-be attackers.
Then there are animals that are quick to learn and intelligent, while others are not known
for their brains. Species that use different tools are definitely among the cleverest. The
record holders of the animal kingdom are scattered among the most diverse habitats of
the planet. So, what are you waiting for? Get to know them! You’ll find answers to all your
questions in this book and learn some general knowledge!
Sticker album: 48 pages, cardboard cover
Online test –
This volume brings to life the greatest battles in world history, such as Thermopylae, Cannae, Crécy, Kolin and Austerlitz. In assessing each confrontation the tactics used are described as is the military technology of the warring parties. The reader can learn about fascinating strategies, such as hoplite warfare developed by the Greeks during the Greko-Persian wars or the landsknechts' bloody but highly effective infantry tactics that killed armoured knights. The reader can also witness the failure of line tactics and the success of the settlers' use of guerilla warfare in the American War of Independence. The spectacular illustrations using 3D technology make the battles almost tangible, and supplement the absorbing descriptions, while enhancing the readers' experience.
In the first volume of the series you can explore rainforests, deciduous woodlands and coniferous forests, and make exciting discoveries in six different parts of the world. The hidden camera shots included in the volume come to life through special Augmented Reality techniques. Concise and easy-to-read descriptions, fact sheets and illustrated explanations help you expand your general knowledge of forests, providing both well- and little known facts. At the back of the book there is a glossary, an index of names and a general index.
Fresh Waters provides a thorough survey of the various species living in lakes, rivers, wetlands and swamps. Which species are prominent near the Amazonas, in the Everglades, in Lake Baikal, or in the flood-basin of Danube? What principles govern these species' lives? How did they adapt to a given habitat? Informative descriptions, and spectacular and demonstrative illustrations help ellucidate these questions, and many other. Come and enjoy this wonderful journey with us!
Would you like to know more about the world's most powerful, most stunning vehicles that are unique in their own category? Which is the largest fire-fighting aircraft? Which is the biggest bulldozer? And which vessel submerges itself to pick up its load and then resurfaces? What sort of heavy vehicle moves radio telescopes in the South American desert and which machine carries glowing, molten metal? You can learn the answers to all these questions in this book presenting heavy machinery and a series of civilian and military vehicles. Discover the special features of their size, performance and operation, and their construction through large colourful, highly detailed drawings. The text full of unusual information explains the history of the vehicles, their special parts and essential information about them as well as the jobs they were designed for. The special 3D pictures at the end of the volume help you 'really' see inside these giant vehicles.
Great Conquerors presents the most famous military leaders from Alexander the Great to Napoleon, their greatest battles, and the reasons for their victories and defeats, as well as the art of war in different eras.
The volume describes the residents of different habitats on earth from arctic tundra to coral atolls and from tropical rain forests to the Antarctic, and shows how animals adapt to their surroundings.
When we are babies and our mind starts to gradually open, we slowly discover the world around us with the help of our sensory organs. Lots of colours, forms, sounds and scents, as well as caressing touching, can step-by-step combine and become sensations already connected to certain persons or objects. First, it is generally our mother’s face that is recorded in our brain; she is recognized by her scent and embrace affording warmth and security. Later on we learn to form sounds, words and sentences, to toddle, then to walk. In the course of our development, we become more and more independent, our knowledge broadens, and we seem to take over the direction of our body. However, our organisation is a very complicated union of systems and organs, which is in turn regulated by our nervous and endocrine systems; our role is to support the functioning of this infinitely complex body. This is possible if, for example, we try to live a healthy life, to eat a balanced diet and take regular physical exercise. It also helps if we understand the structure and functions of our body; how it responds to the effects of the outside world, how it can fight against illnesses or how it can prepare for the “emergencies”. This volume will come to your aid with its spectacular 3D illustrations, and with them, you can take an imaginary journey into the mysterious inner world of the human being, the most wonderful creature in the world.
Woolly mammoths, sabre-toothed cats hunting in packs, huge ground sloths, giant armadillos and opossums wandering across endless snowfields are typical of the fauna of the Ice Age. The wildlife in the period of the Earth’s history called the Pleistocene, however, was far richer than this. Among the exotic animals grazing on the plains of Europe and Asia were rhinos, hippos, gazelles, ancient types of elephant, wild horses and giant tortoises. These were prey for cave lions, giant leopards and cave hyenas. This book also looks at the herbivores and large predators of the other continents. It shows the hunting strategy of the fearsome dire wolf in North America, the largest of the sabretooths, Smilodon fatalis, in South America, the gigantic crocodile, Crocodylus thorbjarnarsoni, in Africa, the king of monitor lizards, Megalania, in Australia, and the record-sized ancient shark, Megalodon, in the oceans. This volume with its spectacular illustrations shows the real Ice Age. Some of the artistic pictures can be looked at through 3D glasses, bringing the extraordinary creatures of this lost age within reach.
Submarines with the power to destroy armies lurking in the ocean depths, armed nuclear bombers circling over the Arctic Circle, and hidden missile silos in the Siberian forests and in the bowels of the Rockies were commonplace in the Cold War. Never in the history of the world were so many wars waged as in the second half of the 20th century. Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, Afghanistan, the Falkland Islands each was the theatre of a bloody war; wars which affected both superpowers and which threatened to spread the conflict like wildfire, raising the spectre of a third world war and the destruction of mankind. This volume, which can be regarded as the continuation of the highly successful Illustrated Atlas of World War II, shows the weapons, aircraft and military vehicles of the era in large, highly detailed, colour illustrations. These help demonstrate the great development of military technology in the fifty years following World War II.
The promise of a free life and making a quick fortune prompted (or forced) many sailors to change their job, i.e. to turn to piracy. The grippingly exciting and entertaining stories and legends about them are still exceptionally popular today. There was a time when seafarers feared them more than anything else in the world. When the Jolly Roger, decorated with the scary skull and crossbones, was hoisted, mariners knew instantly who they were facing. Most of the time this was enough for them to surrender. Even though there are countless legends about the pirates of the Caribbean and their deeds, the stories of their lives and exploits are based on fact. The exciting, spectacular pages of this book give an insight into the real and imagined world created by stories about famous and infamous pirates. The detailed pictures illustrate the most awe-inspiring pirates of the time and their villainous endeavours. Their faces are colourfully portrayed, and their deeds are depicted in authentic-style paintings.
The History of Piracy shows how seamen of the period navigated, and what the sailors' duties and the weapons they used were. How this exciting and bloody era came to an end, what broke the power of the pirates and what led them to abandon the waters of the Caribbean are also explained. The lively, gripping stories, factual information and impressive illustrations rich in detail provide an authentic source of the history of piracy. A worthwhile read!
The enthralling development of warplanes brought about a great deal of technological innovation which turned the initial constructions made of wood and canvas into fearful weapons within decades. To achieve and maintain air supremacy sides had to keep introducing newer models and technologies. This book takes the dominant models one by one in each era, helping the orientation between the types of warplanes with demonstrative illustrations. Our dearest reader can learn about the strengths, weaknesses, mechanisms and use of various warplanes, all of which are used for different purposes. We showcase the structure of their weaponry, and the way they have been maneuvered in air battles. The intriguing content of the volume is complemented by large sized and rich illustrations that help reveal the enormous evolution military technology has seen in the past century.
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals with more than 300 impressive paintings offers fascinating facts about the world of animals. The three main sections of this volume – Learning about animals, The everyday life of animals, Habitats – shows the functions of body shapes, habits, and adaptation in animal world as well as the varied life of the tropical rainforests, deserts, and other habitats. Brief descriptions, interesting fact sheets and questions encourage young readers to read independently and learn more about nature.
This richly illustrated volume presents the exciting world of modern zoos through answering various intriguing questions about zoo animals and their keepers. The young readers can learn about the animals' schedule and habitat, while getting to know the ins and outs of the keepers' work. Short descriptions of each species are also included that are designed to provide the little ones with valuable scientific knowledge. The riddles included on the pages further enhance the childrens' information of a given species. At the end of this zoological journey, the young readers can find an entertaining board game for two.
The volume presents the life of pages and squires, the training of knights and the dubbing ceremony, the evolution of armour from chain mail to the full suit armour, bloody medieval battles and the crusades, and finally the twilight of the age of knights when these medieval warriors were replaced by soldiers equipped with more sophisticated types of weapon. The book's highly detailed, historically faithful, and artistic illustrations not only accompany the informative descriptions, but also provide further information on the mediaeval era, making this age almost palpable for the reader, and further inspiring an active interest in the historical events of these dark, yet exciting, ages.
Man and the World tells of simple inventions that have had an enormous impact on the evolution of mankind, of geniuses and bold inventors, and their lives, as well as the development of man.
This book follows the evolution of man from the appearance of the first upper primates to modern man, supported by archaeological finds and scientific theories. Where were the traces of our ancient ancestors found? Who were the first people to use fire? What did they eat? How did man manage to kill the largest animal of the age, the mammoth? Find out the answers to these and many more questions while gaining an insight into the tough, everyday life of our ancestors in prehistoric times through colourful illustrations. A spectacular and enthralling journey of discovery awaits every reader who is interested in the past.
Life began in the oceans and seas, and today they are home to a teeming variety of marine animals. This volume explores salt-water habitats from the Arctic Ocean at the North Pole to the ice fields of Antarctica and the creatures that live in them, including whales, dreaded sharks, seals, and dolphins.
The wealth of nature is truly astonishing as millions upon millions of organisms inhabit the Earth. Some of these you know because you see them in your daily life, but others exist which are invisible to the naked eye yet are all around you. The discovery of the microscope revealed the inhabitants of a world never seen before. This attractively illustrated book shows the organisms living in your home, in furniture and in the air, as well as on your skin and in your body. Some of the artistic illustrations can be studied with 3D glasses, bringing within reach these miniscule organisms we share our lives with. Some of these look as if they could feature as fearsome monsters in a cartoon, but there’s no need to worry as most of them are harmless or are not a threat to people. Open the book and investigate the world of mysterious microbes for yourself
In the middle of September 1916 the German soldiers hardened by the trench warfare of World War I heard a strange noise from their positions near the French village of Flers-Courcelette. After the usual artillery bombardment, instead of an infantry attack the squeaking of tracks and the roar of engines announced the arrival of almost 50 lurching, armoured monsters on the horizon. The soldiers fired with their machine guns at the mechanised armour they had never seen before to no avail: the vehicles trundled on unharmed over the barbed wire entanglements, which were thought to be impenetrable. At the time the first tank attack in history was made, no one could have imagined that just 23 years later the modern tanks of the German army would conquer almost the whole of Europe or that in the winter of 1991 the armoured coalition forces sweeping aside Saddam Hussein's feared army in the Iraqi desert could be watched almost live on television. How did the lurching metal box become a military vehicle powered by gas turbine able to race at 45 miles per hour and fire accurately even at night? How has the use of tanks changed? What could the tank crews who fought in the largest tank battle in history have seen and felt? This book answers these and many other fascinating questions. Detailed, computer-aided 3D illustrations, colourful diagrams and easy-to-understand explanations in language suitable for people just becoming familiar with military technology offer an informative guide to the world of military vehicles not only for newcomers to the subject but also for more knowledgeable readers.
The title presents the characteristics of how animals move, typical migratory species and their methods of finding their way.
From Troy to Machu Picchu, from Angkor Watt to Eldorado, from Pompeii to Carthage - explore the ruins of mysterious cities on four continents and experience some legendary worlds that are perhaps lost forever.
This book, illustrated by artistic paintings, conjures up the mysterious world of imaginary and real creatures, gods and goddesses, and people. While the compelling adventures of Prometheus, Heracles, Icarus, Thor, Gargantua and other well-known heroes and heroines come to life, the marvellous power of eternal human virtues and ideals that can decide events, such as perseverance, courage, a thirst for knowledge, belief and love, can be felt. Most of the stories selected relate episodes connected with Greek myths and Biblical events, which form an important part of our cultural heritage, but there are appetisers from Egyptian, Roman, Germanic, Celtic and Gaelic legends as well. Some illustrations of scenes from the 25 famous stories offer an unforgettable experience thanks to the use of a 3D technique.
Have you ever heard of bower building birds? Underwater "crop circles?" Whales singing arias? Possibly about dancing spiders, or gender-changing fish? Not yet? In that case, it's time to get to know them! In Natural Born Artists, you may encounter the greatest master architects, singers, dancers and circus performers of the animal kingdom, possessing astonishing talents, and goofballs devoted to strange "fashions." You can catch a glimpse of their masterfully constructed homes, gain a sample of their abilities and habits, even witness spectacles that are only rarely seen by human eyes! And the list is not yet complete!
The second volume of the Masters of the Animal Kingdom series escorts the young reader to various points on our Earth through the presentation of astonishing creations, fascinating performances and spectacular costumes. The variety of animal behaviors is displayed through the most exciting examples, while encouraging a respect and continued study of the living world.
You like nature, don't you? And having adventures? Then come on an exciting journey with us! If you join us, you'll discover the really beautiful places and expand your knowledge. You will learn about the secrets hidden in the darkness of caves and come face to face with the destructive power of tornadoes and ocean waves. You can read about dormant and active volcanoes, and gain an insight into the wonders of space. You can visit the frozen realm of the North pole and see the day-to-day lives of Eskimo children as well as admire a magnificent waterfall and follow a river along its course to the sea. Have a wonderful trip! - Chip and Bonnie
Bonnie and Chip are siblings, and very curious children, who want to know everything about the world. They are courageous, and they love traveling and partaking new adventures. On their first journey they travel around the world, visiting a whole lot of fascinating places.
* AR effects
* cartoon-style illustrations
* humorous language
* experiments, plotting-board-like, illustrative explanatory drawings
The volume answers intriguing questions related to deserts, steppes, and tundras. How do animals live in the African savannah, on an Alpine meadow, on the American prairie, or in the Kalahari Desert? What are the specific differences between deserts and grasslands? The thoroughly illustrated visual journey featured in the volume answers these, and many other, questions with concise and informative descriptions. You won't be disappointed!
This special book uses large-sized, colourful illustrations full of details to introduce the most popular and most famous racing vehicles. In addition to offering insight into the structural design and operation of these vehicles, this volume also introduces the reader to the spectacular and diverse world of technical sports. The introduction covers Formula 1 and its cutting-edge technology, the Top Fuel dragster as the king of acceleration and the various tricks and car smashing stunts of the Monster Truck. Switching from four to two wheels, the tour continues with MotoGP and off-road motorcycles as well as the fastest racing vehicles on water and in the air. The last pages of this atlas bring these fantastic racing machines into life: the 3D annex includes lifelike, fascinating, three-dimensional illustrations of more than ten vehicles.
Follow the journey of Rome from a tiny Latin village to an empire that ruled the Mediterranean world.
- the political and social system of ancient Rome
- the organization of the army
- the history of its major wars
- the weaponry of its soldiers
- and the lifestyle of its inhabitants
This volume of The Cycle of Life surveys the natural diversity of tropic and arctic seas, focussing on both shallow- and deepwater creatures. How does a coral-reef form? What gives animals living deep down in the dark their sense of locality? The volume visits such areas as The Mexican Baja California peninsula, the Barents Sea, or the Australian Great Barrier Reef, featuring enthralling descriptions and highly realistic illustrations. Come and join us on this wonderful journey!
Secrets of the Earth travels the earth examining the reasons for the changes to our planet, and discovers what regulates the rhythms of the earth. The customs, traditions and beliefs of people are also described.
Senses and Communication reveals how animals' sensory organs work and the role of communication in social relations from the symbiosis of different species to a harem of relatives.
Superpowers investigates the great powers from ancient Egypt to the age of the British empire which had an influence over almost the entire world.
The idea of the knight is usually associated in our minds with images of fearless crusaders of the middle ages, as they are charging on the battlefield with their spears forward, testing their strength in duels, or going on adventures accompanied by their loyal squires. Their armor is shiny with sunlight. Their shields are emblazoned with lions, eagles, and dragons. Their capes are sailing behind them, and the wind flutters royal flags above their plumed helmets... Did these invincible warriors really look and behave like that? Did medieval people really live such romantic lives?
This volume answers these, and many other, questions introducing to the reader the lives of pages and squires, the training of knights, the development of knights weaponry, and the bloody battles of medieval wars and crusades. The volume also provides a glimpse behind the castle walls. You can get to know how castles were built, besieged, and defended; the way knights and the people of the castle lived their daily lives; how lords were hunting and the grandeur of a royal feast. You can get to experience the invigorating atmosphere of tournaments and duels, while also getting to feel the calmness of the lives of the villagers, town dwellers, and the church staff.
The gripping descriptions of the volume come with uniquely detailed, historically loyal, and artistic illustrations that do more than simply demonstrating the descriptions' content: they help the get a deeper understanding and a visual overview of the medieval age.
"Do you want to survive? Eat, then!" States one of the most simple, most fundamental laws of the animal kingdom. "But how do we get what we desire?" the animals ask. "First, evaluate your abilities! If nature equipped you with weapons suited for the hunt, or with fast movement, you might become an excellent predator. If you happen to fall short of these, employ other tricks: Camouflage yourself, set a trap, or steal morsels from the "plates" of others. And what can one do if the "all you can eat" buffet has been depleted? "Well, yes, at such a time it is a good idea to have reserves... but if you are not too lazy to migrate, perhaps you won't go hungry then, either. If you are skilful, careful and lucky enough, then you can avoid becoming prey for others..."
Volume 3 of the Masters of the Animal Kingdom series circumnavigates every trick of hunting, fishing and gathering, while teaching the reader the dominant, typical, exceptional or special feeding habits of the animal kingdom.
Nearly a hundred and thirty years have passed since German inventor Karl Benz debuted his first car, the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, in 1886. The public of the day received the invention with mild enthusiasm. However, those who denied the significance of this revolutionary invention have been proven wrong by the existence of the many millions of cars that have been traversing the roads ever since. At the beginning of the 20th century, the car was considered an unreachable luxury for most people; today, it has become an integral part of daily life. Perhaps this is why it is worth examining it closer; how it is designed and the natural laws that govern its operation. The book guides the reader through the sometimes-complicated mechanical solutions with the aid of detailed, but easy-to-understand illustrations, taking one essential car component at a time. All this is made even more lifelike by spectacular, three-dimensional pictures.
“If the love for cars and driving is a burning passion in someone, this educational volume is the equivalent of a sacred text.”
Viktor Bárdi
Automotive engineer
Owner of Bárdi Autó Zrt.
The laws of the wild are ruthless. The strong crush the weak, the hunter swoops down on prey, frost traps, icy-cold freezes, the rays of the sun at the equator sear. In spite of the tough conditions, animal species survive. You can learn how the Himalayan jumping spider survives the high mountain climate, the meerkat the attack of the martial eagle, the marmot a fast that lasts for months, and the tardigrade and the agile frog the act of playing dead.
The 4th volume of the Masters of the Animal Kingdom series reviews necessary, spectacular methods of survival, including ones to avoid enemies, obtaining food and safely raising offpsring. It introduces artists that adapt to dangerous places and those that avoid the roughest weather by hybernating or migrating somewhere else.
The Illustrated Atlas of World War I gives an insight into the period when the belief in mankind's good nature was lost for ever; into the time when nations preferred to take up arms rather than to endure peace that was shameful for them; into the hordes of unnamed soldiers, who willing accepted the risk and fought heroically for their country and their cause; into the war which the opposing forces believed would end all wars. The Illustrated Atlas of World War I is a guide to the 'Great War', to the shocking fighting that took place in the trenches, on the floating fortresses, in the dogfights and on the battlefields, where modern warfare was born. Expertly written, comprehensive texts brimming with information are complemented by faithful, specially selected illustrations, detailed diagrams and maps. Read the dramatic stories of Verdun, Ypres, the Somme, Isonzo, Passchendaele, and the scenes of other events that today are synonymous with colossal human suffering and senseless sacrifice. Learn about the operations, the weapons, strategies and leaders, and about the events of the war waged almost one hundred years ago that radically and irrevocably changed the future of not only individuals but whole communities and societies.
How did Adolf Hitler come to power? What is blitzkrieg? What was the miracle of Dunkirk? How did a few soldiers on motorcycles occupy a whole town? What was wolf pack? How was the American fleet sunk in an hour and a half? What were tigers and panthers doing in the perishing Russian winter? What did the inside of a World War II fighter look like? After whom was the plane that dropped the atomic bomb named? Readers now, discovering the history of World War II, will find answers to these and many other questions in this volume. For those who do not find answering the above questions challenging, however, this book may have even more in store as they may peruse the weapons, aircraft and military vehicles of the era in large, highly detailed, colour illustrations which help show the development of military technology in the six years of the war.
Threatening displays of power, dangerous close-quarter combat and fights to the death - we find plenty of examples of every variety of combat in the animal kingdom, from innocent skirmishes through seriously bloody clashes. In the interest of survival, animals must also take up the gauntlet against other members of their species and predators that have targeted them as prey. Whether it is attack or defense, they can only rely on their abilities and inventiveness in this eternal war. Alone or through unified force, with fearsome weapons, tricky tactics and maneuvers of guile, they can triumph over their enemies. Warfare is risky and the stakes are great - usually, it's winner take all.
Why do animals fight with one another? Which one of their characteristics elevate them to victory? Is it even worth entering combat, or is peace a better idea? In the first volume of the Masters of the Animal Kingdom series, we seek the answer to these and similarly exciting questions. 3...2...1... Let the battle commence!
The Wonders of Nature reports on the role of unusual body structures and colours in nature, as well as 'natural' inventions, and tricks and habits which constitute a marvellous fine tuned system of survival techniques.
Did you know that dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time? Would you believe that the blood of fish living in cold climates contains antifreeze liquid? You could never guess how many interesting phenomena can be found in the animal kingdom. All the various species adapt to their environment in even more various ways, and they survive in the midst of incredible circumstances. The iguana, for instance, risks its life when it dives into the water to find food. Have you heard about the shark's teeth? Well, sharks are capable of replacing teeth in the front row right after losing one, due to the multiple rows of teeth hidden in their jaw! If you want to discover every single detail about the lives of animals, just put your special 3D glasses on and immerse in the extraordinary world of animals.
The tallest among them grew to 18 meters, the heaviest weighed 100 tons, and the fastest could run at 70 km/h. You want to know who I am talking about, right? It's the dinosaurs, of course. You have heard tales about dragons, haven't you? Would you believe that the figure of the dragon is based on stories about the long extinct dinosaurs? Do you want to know everything about the ancient reptilian-like creatures that had populated the world millions of years ago? If so, put your special 3D glasses on and experience the astoundingly amazing world of dinosaurs.
Imagine you are sitting in a Formula-1 race car and you are closely examining everything in it. How do you like it? It's exciting, isn't it? In this book you can experience many cars from the inside, while getting to know the answers to a variety of interesting questions. Do you want to know, for example, the speed of an airplane? Would you like to know how many people can be accommodated on a tanker? Or are you rather interested in the way underground tunnels are built? And did you know there is something called „Moon rover”? If you are keen on getting to know the answers to all these questions, put on your special 3D glasses and get started on a journey into the fascinating world of vehicles.
"Hi, I'm Pete. I live in Alaska and I'm an Eskimo. I bet you think I live in an igloo, but I don't. Our house is built of wood and stone. But grandpa has shown me lots of times how to cut blocks of frozen snow and steck them on top of each other in a circle. We use these shelters made out of ice when we go fishing."
Interesting information about countries, lands, peoples, and customs - as seen through the eyes of the children who live there.
This volume of the series guides the young readers to enchanting fields of interest by presenting the means of casting various playful "spells" around them. The little ones can learn about basic facts of physics, chemistry, and biology through the compact, yet intriguing and entertaining, experiments demonstrated and illustrated in the volume.
The Illustrated Atlas of Vehicles explains land, sea, and air transport vehicles as well as those capable of space travel on large-size coloured cutaway diagram with high detail. It gives an overview of their external and internal structures, operation, and provides insight into their history too. Apart from explaining technical features, the publication describes a number of fascinating peculiarities, and raises a series of solemn as well as thrilling questions. Learn how low a deep sea submarine is capable of diving, what the differences are between a space ship and a space shuttle, or where the giant trucks, the largest transport vehicles on Earth are used.
Battles and wars were incidental to world history. The hunter of the Stone Age who protected his prey, the knight committed to his king, and the soldier served his homeland were all warriors. Generalship means not only killing but survival and winning. While endeavoring to maintain peace we shouldn't forget the brave warriors who provided peace for other people, at the expense of their lives. This volume brings to life the greatest warriors of world history by showing their weaponaries, tactics, arts of war and glorious acts. turning pages the reader imaginary can be among King Leonidas's 300 Spartan heroes at Thermopylae, march on India together with Alexander the Great, fight as a gladiator in the Colosseum, put on the armour of the knights, fire a storm of arrows at the dumbfounded enemy alongside Djengis Khan's riders and share numerous daring adventures. This scientific, richly illustrated volume shows the reader - whether being a student, teacher, parent or adult interested in soldiering - over the most important periods of military history, from the ancient to mediaval times and spurs the reader to get to know this field deeply.
Gain an insight into a frightening and pitiless, yet rich and amazing world. Learn about the uniforms, hand weapons and tactics of the most eminent soldiers. This accurate, well illustrated volume invites the reader to take a spectacular journey in time through the most important ages in military history from the end of the Middle Ages to the present day, and even encourages finding out more about the subject.
The Wonders of the World shows the 7 wonders of the ancient world and the new 7 wonders chosen by the modern world as well as other masterpieces of architecture and art.
The seven edifices of ancient times were first described as wonders of the world by the Phoenician poet Antipater od Sidon, who jotted down the creations of man that astonished him on his travels in the 2nd century BC. Later other authors of antiquity and the Middle ages also drew up their own lists of wonderful sights. Today, a new list of the world's seven most fantastic creations has been compiled, which fascinate modern travellers in the same way that their ancient counterparts captivated visitors long ago.
This volume expands the knowledge of the readers going on this exciting imaginary journey through many interesting facts and authoritative information supported by scientific research. The artistic 3D illustrations make this gripping book even more attractive, bringing the wonders of human ingenuity, will and perseverance within palpable reach, while stimulating the imagination of both adults and children who are interested in these captivating structures.
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